Betekenis van:
buffer state

buffer state
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • kleine staat tussen twee grote
  • a small neutral state between two rival powers




  1. During the Great Game, Afghanistan was a buffer state.
  2. The demarcation of buffer zones shall be such that they protect the disease-free Member State from passive introduction of the disease.
  3. Where neighbouring Member States, or water catchment areas shared with neighbouring Member States, are not declared disease-free, the Member State shall establish appropriate buffer zones in its territory.
  4. The expected losses (default risk) in the bad case scenario was quantified at EUR […(> 800)] million, leaving an additional buffer of EUR […] billion for LBBW. From a commercial point of view, the risk undertaken by LBBW and the other Landesbanken can therefore be regarded as limited, and the same conclusion can be drawn as regards the risk to the State above and beyond the exposure of EUR 2,75 billion through the Free State of Saxony’s guarantee.
  5. The expected losses (default risk) in the bad case scenario was quantified at EUR […(> 800)] million, leaving an additional buffer of EUR […] billion for LBBW. From a commercial point of view, the risk undertaken by LBBW and the other Landesbanken can therefore be regarded as limited, and the same conclusion can be drawn as regards the risk to the State above and beyond the exposure of EUR 2,75 billion through the Free State of Saxony’s guarantee. Given that the interest paid to LBBW and the other Landesbanken is at market level, there are in this very particular case no grounds for considering that the refinancing would not be in line with market terms.